Redshift Cluster Creation & Connection Instructions

Ali Sayeed
3 min readOct 12, 2021

Cluster Creation

The first step is to Create a Redshift cluster with configuration that best suits Use Case:

Best Practice — Check Load Sample Data for testing. This will add a sample database with data which can help you testing your setup/configuration

Enter your Admin Username & Password

Configure Redshift to Connect to Sigma

Navigate to Elastic IP’s which can be found in the EC2 console and Create an Elastic IP Address (required to make IP address Publicly accessible). Click the “Allocate Elastic IP address button”, then click allocate

Navigate back to your Redshift Cluster click the “actions” button then click “Modify publicly accessible setting”. Change this to “Enable” and select the Elastic IP address you’ve just created in the “Elastic IP Address” dropdown.

Navigate to Security Groups which can be found in the EC2 Console and create a new security group. Add Sigma’s IP’s to both the inbound and outbound rules. For GCP Sigma hosting :, AWS sigma hosting:,

Navigate back to your Redshift Cluster then click the “Properties” tab. Then click “edit” on the “Network and security settings” tab.

Select the VPC Security Group you created previously then click “Save Changes”

Data Permissions

If don’t want to use an existing Redshift user, create a new user for sigma.If you want to leverage write access, create a schema for sigma and grant all privileges to your user on that schema. Be sure to Grant usage on all schemas and Grant select on all tables you wish to access in Sigma

create user sigma_user password ‘123’

create schema sigma_write;

grant all privileges on schema sigma_write to sigma_user;

grant usage on schema public to sigma_user;

grant select on all tables in schema public to sigma_user;

Obtain Connection Info and Establish Connection

Obtain the endpoint from the General Information section of your Redshift Cluster, this will go in the “Host” field in Sigma

Required Info:

Host: Endpoint from above

Port: 5439

User: Your Redshift User

Password: PW for above user


Enable TLS: Turn on if you wish to use TLS encryption

Write Schema: Schema created in Redshift in previous step



Ali Sayeed

Sales Engineer at Sigma Computing. Analytics, Product, Database.